Hello everybody,
I haven't been on here much at all the last few weeks, and I miss you all. I do look in sometimes but rarely post anymore.
It's partly because life has gotten busier - but mostly, ever since my daughter and her boyfriend moved in with us, (and the other has been back here a year) I've been off-kilter. I've always been so easily pulled out of focus by those around me, especially my kids - it's hard to explain - my psyche is all wrapped up in what they're doing and how they're feeling. It's no one's fault. It's just how I am. I'm sure many of you can relate....
And it's exhausting! I can barely deal with my own life, and now I'm trying to take on theirs, too, on some unconsious level. I've realized, more and more, that I have to work hard to recognize my own needs and stick to them. Like - I find myself doing WAY too many dishes, in spite of my declaration that they're going to have to take over the bulk because I just plain can't (and their saying ok) and worrying WAY too much about what they're eating, how hard they're working...it just never stops. It drains away what little energy I have.
No more!! My standards for the house, which were already almost down to the floor, have now received my permission to fly out the window. Stuff will stay where it falls, by cracky!!
SO - - I'm sorry I've been so rarely here, and I'll be here more again....because I want to!