Welcome, fibrofriend! I'm so glad that you joined us! We have a great group of people here with some very good ideas and advice to help you live a full and enjoyable life with fibro. It can be done!
Try to keep moving. That is so important with fibro. If you don't, you will be stiff as a board. Walking is a very good exercise for fibro. In the Fibro 101 thread there is a link to Great Stretching Exercises and they really do work and feel good, too! They can be done sitting down, so that nice.
Hot showers and baths, rice bags, light massage therapy all help, too. You will get plenty of ideas when reading the threads.
I take ibuprofen and Tylenol and malic acid/magnesium supplements for my pain. I just started the supplements last December and they have helped me a lot. They don't help everyone but they aren't really expensive so it would be worth a shot. There is a thread all about it. I'll bump it up for you to read and think about.
We do have wonderful bipolar and depression forums on HealingWell, too. Look at the top of the page and you will see "Forum Quick Jump". Scroll down and you can find links to both of those forums. They will be able to help you too.
So, you have come to a very good place. We all work to help one another. I do hope to hear more from you soon!