I don't totally understand your statement. Fibromyalgia IS CAUSED BY THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM GOING HAYWIRE, due to stress, injury, illness, physical, mental and emotional strain on one's body over a period of time. All of my specialists in Dallas have verified that. Also I've done a LOAD of research on it myself, and EVERYTHING I've read points to the CNS and/or Sympathetic Nervous System. I've even had it explained to me that simply put, it starts by the end of a nerve fiber which "frays" upon stress, and by the time fibromyalgia comes on, all of the thousands of nerve fibers in your body are "shot". Like a hand with the fingers all together (healthy nerve ending) then over time becomes a hand with all the fingers fanned out (nerve ending blown apart). Makes a hell of a lot of sense to me. I've had brain scans, full body MRIs, lumbar spinal puncture, nerve conduction testing on my body, CT scans, etc. and been tested for just about
everything you can think of. My neurologist even sent my bloodwork and spinal fluid to Mayo and UMass. With my history of bodily abuse (hard waterskiing for 8 years), very physical accidents, falls, jumps (off a 75 ft river cliff once), plus all the mental and emotional baggage I went through, I am a textbook case. I have every single symptom of Fibro. Starting with TMJ 15 years ago, vertigo, terrible daily headaches, ears ringing, dizziness, body aches, etc. Finally about
five years ago I started having chest pains (which I now know are costochondrosis) but at the time my PC didn't know what to make of it for a couple of years. X-rays showed nothing, symptoms continued, all the while my spinal surgeon was telling me every few years that another section of discs in my back was gone from Degenerative Disc Disease. And there's nothing he can do to relieve the pain. Mentally and emotionally I was a train wreck, two failed marriages, countless high-pressure, stress-filled executive jobs, deaths, more men and alcohol than I could keep up with, illnesses, accidents, surgeries, instant menopause, with HORRIFIC HORMONE IMBALANCES!, family problems, huge lifestyle changes (my diary is that of a mad woman), all took a gigantic toll on me and I never had time to stop and deal with or decompress after a big drama, cuz I had to SURVIVE. I couldn't wait around for somebody else to help me, I had to do it myself because I was on my own. So YES, I believe I have blown out every single nerve fiber in my body because when I started exhibiting the "classic" symptoms - shoulder blade pain (originally blamed on herniated disc in neck), all over muscle pain, fatigue, etc. My spinal surgeon was the first to guess. Even my gynecologist figured it out. After consulting with a neurologist and my PC was when I saw the rheumatologist and she confirmed it. But it literally took three years to get full blown. I had been dealing with stomach issues, IBS, Vit D deficiency, etc. for years prior as well. So yeah, you could say that I believe NextAdventure is right on. The stomach problems, IBS, depression/anxiety and mental overload was definitely brought on from suppressed issues during my teenage years, and through college. My home life growing up as the youngest of five, with a single mother was one of survival, so that's where I get it, but it was TOUGH. There is a history of suicide and depression in my family so the genes are there. But I always felt loved. It was only when I went through counseling and therapy that I realized I had been very hurt by things that at the time didn't realize were harmful to me. So yes, the Allostatic load is very real. My therapist really wants me to write a book, she swears no one would believe it !! Thankfully, today, I am happily married, on disability since 2011 (thank God) and working through a lot of the $#*+ that happened in my life by finally TALKING about
it. My husband is a treasure and a God-send, so I am truly blessed. We're not rich, but ok comfortable, no kids (again THANK GOD!) just precious pups who love unconditionally. I try to keep the stress and drama down and avoid difficult family situations when i can. So all that, the medications, rest, good medical care and a lot of reading and staying educated and informed gets me through the days. Well and my garden when it's not too hot, which in Dallas is only about
6 months out of the year! The weather in the south DEFINITELY TAKES A TOLL on my body !!!
Post Edited (Alicat105) : 9/7/2014 9:15:12 PM (GMT-6)