I don't believe there are any specific tests for fibro that I know of (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
Your test results sound a lot like mine. My MRI did have a few white shadows which were questionable, but my blood tests and nerve conduction tests turned out okay. That eased my mind. I also learned that my reflexes were 'sloppy' and the neurologist commented on how klutzy I was. He believes I may have mild CP, which I found interesting and really pretty shocking (I was in my late 40s!). All that said, I felt so much better knowing I didn't have ALS or MS, as the doctor had first thought.
Is your regular family doctor at all helpful? Though mine didn't seem to know a lot about
fibro, he still orders yearly blood tests and did listen to my questions and tried to steer me in the right direction.
Sometimes, if you ask at your clinic, you might find a family doctor who is knowledgeable about
fibro. My regular family doctor, for example, knows a lot about
headaches, as a sort of side specialty.
You could phone the nurse line or even the general appointment number there and see if any doctor might be helpful for fibro symptoms. Or, see if the neuro or rheumy doctor would be willing to help you better deal with symptoms. Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to start over and search for "the" right doctor. I would start by just asking around to see who would be most helpful.
If there is a fibro support group in your area, you could ask some members which doctor(s) they recommend.
Hope you get some answers soon. Take care. :)