Thankfully, I'm not having one of my worst fibro days today! But last week one or two days, I had my infamous "I think it's fibro pain (probably nerve pain) which I tend to get quite often from Fall to Spring. It wasn't a pleasant reminder! I got through it, though.
When I'm having a bad flare, I can generally do some things unless I have severe pain. When I get that, I tend to do puny little jobs around the house.
For example, if I want to mail someone a letter, I might only address the envelope and stick a stamp on it on a bad day. I'd finish up the next day. I do find that on those terrible days, starting even the smallest little job on a bigger project gives me a little push, and I don't feel like I did nothing that day. Small comfort, but it helps.
Or, I might want to bake the next day, which hopefully would be a better day. Sometimes I'll get the cookbook ready and even take out the bowl and pan I need, spoon, spatula, measuring spoons and cups, etc.. Yeah, they may look a little silly sitting on the counter overnight, but it sure helps the next day. Half the battle is won!
How do you handle your worst days, especially when you have work to do around the house (dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc.)? Do you have any tips for making it more bearable?
I'm not talking about
your very worst flare ever, when you feel like you can't even move without major pain; just on a generally "bad" fibro day. How do you get through it? Do you save specific little jobs for those days?
Thanks for any input and ideas! Hope everyone has a good week.