Hello everyone...yesterday and and today, my body has felt like it is bruised almost everywhere. The pain is worse in certain spots- my thighs and hips, my sides and back (those are the worst), and my arms and shoulders. It feels like my skin hurts but also underneath my skin- but not quite my muscles. Just like there is bruising everywhere, but there is nothing there. It's terrible! It hurts to just put my hands on my hips, rub my back, etc. I have no idea what to do because I've had body pain, aches, muscle/joint pain, etc, for a long time, but this is new. My skin has been sensitive before, such as my scalp, arms, etc...but never to this extent. I'm a little (okay, more than a little) freaked out. Is this normal?
Has anyone else had this? What should I do about
it? I take tons of vitamins and supplements, including omega 3 with vitamin D, magnesium, and potassium...should I take something else? Pain medicine? Muscle relaxers? Is there anything that helps this go away?
Thank you