Thank you all of you for sharing your thoughts!
Puppylover - I really appreciate you telling me your story and what treatment works best for you. Currently I don't exercise very much at all, as I get sore and annoyed doing so, but I've been reading up on hoq aerobic exercise can be helpful and I hope to start doing that soon regardless of my diagnosis.
Rockon - Wow. It kinda hit me while reading your reply that you're right, I do just think of my pain as normal because it's my baseline. Particularly, I always downplay how much purses hurt because I know people think I'm being dramatic and I know that everyone else manages to carry them just fine, so I've always kind of thought that I'm just choosing to not wear them. When I was making this post yesterday though, I realized that it's not much of a choice, because if I wear one I'll pay for it for at least the rest of the day. Thank you for reaffirming that that type of pain is abnormal, I think I really needed to hear that.
As for EDS-h and arthritis, I will definitely look into both. I'm going to see my doctor late next week, so hopefully she'll be able to refer me to someone with more specialization who can run some tests and rule out differential diagnoses (or rule them in, I suppose).
Rockon - Thank you for the recommendation. I looked it up, but my pain is located more in my stomach and side area than anywhere on my chest, so I'm not sure, althought the descript
ion of a too tight bathing suit is accurate for describing pain higher in my ribs if someone presses or hits them. I'll ask my doctor about
Sherrine - I appreciate the medical advice! I am a bit concerned that my doctor might not believe me about
my pain, or recognize fibromyalgia as a real thing :/ I saw her many times about
my shoulder and back pain and the only response she had was that some people just have naturally tense muscles, which discouraged me from looking into any sort of relief for years. I hope she will just refer me to a rheumatologist and that I can then look around for one who treats fibro, although like you said, I agree it would be bad if they just told me I had fibro without any other tests.
Thank you as well for the insight into your life. I believe pacing yourself is the best way to describe my life too, and I also read up on the Spoons theory for what living with lupus is like and I find it pretty applicable to how I live my life currently. I often feel like I need to be thinking several steps ahead to figure out what my body can handle that day, and if I'm not careful I wind up having no energy and so much pain that I can't do tasks that need to be done at the end of the day, like schoolwork or chores.
Again, I appreciate everyone who gave me a response, it was really helpful! Thank you