These stories are the best! I love reading them because it helps me to laugh at myself. I am trying to get used to the "fog" and at first i was so frustrated but now I think back to what I've done and I laugh because laughter is the best medicine
I have trouble remembering to do most of the things mentioned like what I was trying to say or where I was going or what I was going to do in the kitchen but end up in the bedroom. I love when I poor myself some juice and start to put the container into the cabinet where I got the glass from! Most recently we had chinese food for dinner and I was serving the wonton soup and I started to put it into my empty glass instead of my bowl! I caught myself but usually don't until it's too late. Twice now I have gotten on the elevator and just stood there by myself thinking I was going somewhere but never pushed to button and it's not until the doors
opened and there I was in the same spot when I got on, that I realized oh yeah I have to push the button! The most frustrating was when I went to take a shower and turn it on but couldn't figure out how. I kept pushing the lever down, which made it dribble but I knew something was wrong and when I realized i had to push up the handle it was already in the wrong position so I would push up and it would be off. It took me at least 30 seconds or more to figure out what I was doing wrong and fix it. At first when I do these things I feel sad because I don't feel like at my age I should be doing these things but then I realize that the things I am doing are pretty funny and hey it could be so much worse.
I love posts like this, they make me smile