Your post reminded me of a few things. First, I used to love Madeline L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time." Next, the post reminds me that even little kids are intuitive. I always thought that there was something wrong with me, and I could never explain it. So, I was dismissed and written off as crazy.
LOL-as for favorite words, there are a plethora of them that I love (plethora being one of them, LOL). But, I think my favorite word is one I learned while I was in vet tech school. When I was working, I was the "lab nerd." If there was bloodwork or a UA to be run, everyone gave them to me. Anyway, when doing a urinalysis, I often got to use my favorite word-flocculent. I'd give you the definition, but since you love words, I'll let you use your dictionary.