There is a drug you can get over the counter called Stay-Up. You could try that. Get some and take it when you wake up. I agree that a sleep study is a good idea. I sort of envy you...somedays I wish I could sleep the day away.
The weird thing with me is that I can fall asleep for a nap during the day without a problem. I sleep hard. But at night, the only way I can sleep is to take my Trazodone.
Julia, when I try to stay awake, it really affects me physically...the more I fight to stay awake during the day, the more pain I am in. Sleep is important because that is when your body takes time to repair itself. But, for those of us with Fibro, or any other chronic pain issues, we have to fight not to sleep too much. Exercise sucks when you are in pain, but you gotta do it to keep your muscles strong.