Hi, Meowese, and welcome to the fibromyalgia forum. Why would you be "ashamed" that you have something that the doctors don't know much about? That's not your fault. You certainly don't want fibro...no one does. But it does exist and now doctors are finally realizing that it is not all in our heads! Trust me...you would be better off to have fibro than lupus! Fibromyalgia is never terminal. It is just a big pain. But, you have come to the right place! We have a great group of people that will help you learn how to control the pain and live a full and enjoyable life.
I take ibuprofen, Tylenol, and malic acid/magnesium supplements for my pain and fatigue. That works for me. You will find what works best for you. I don't want to take Lyrica, either. I do a lot of walking and stretching exercises to keep my muscles flexible. You don't want to sit too long or you will be stiff as a board. Hot showers, moist heat from rice bags, massages, etc. are some ways to cope with pain, too.
The main difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome is the pain, I think. I don't think you have pain with CFS. I'm not positive about that, though.
I use a board certified Internist as my doctor. He is also a diplomate. That means they have to keep up to date on medical procedures and take a test yearly. Many find that a rheumatologist is the best bet for them. Whatever you choose to do, please make sure they believe in fibromyalgia and treat fibro patients! There are many doctors out there that still don't think it really exists...and some are rheumies! Do your homework. Maybe see if they list fibromyalgia in a telephone ad or just flat out call and ask before you make an appointment. You don't want to waste your time and money.
Check out the Fibro 101 thread...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good information about fibromyalgia, including symptoms, stretching exercises, and info about malic acid/magnesium. You will learn a lot there. Also, read posts. There is a world of info in them.
If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask. We are here to help you. I'm glad you joined us and I hope to hear more from you soon!