I have found during my misery tour of the past year
since I became ill, that "fibro" is the default diagnosis
when they(docs) don't know what it is - and have
exhausted the possibilities of things it could be, within
their given range of speciality. I have seen 16 docs now,
GPs , Rhuems, I.D. docs, Endos, Immunologists, Neuros,
psychiatrists, and a Lyme specialist (on the board of ILADS)
The pain is the worst of it - followed by the sleep issues,
but what you will find is everybody responds differently
to the different meds offered up to moderate your symptoms!
Only a long careful arduous journey through meds will get you
to a good place. I found only percocets really helped my level
of pain, yet many here swear by malic acid (tried it for a month
and it did nothing for me) Many swear by this or that sleep
aid - but ...You get the idea. Tried Lyrica for a a year now...
didn't do much for pain or sleep but I kept taking it at the
urging of 3 of the docs.
I just got back a comprehensive battery of immune related
tests, all came back "normal" even ones that had been
"abnormal" only a few months ago
The only thing that has truly helped ME is glutathione
injections (THANK GOD) and allowed me to go back to work.
Yet - for many people they do nothing
Keep a symptoms log, keep dates and types and amounts
of whatever meds you are trying, get and keep copies
of all your tests and bloodwork!
Post Edited (Enochroot) : 10/3/2008 7:50:13 PM (GMT-6)