Stretching machines can actually tear muscles on fibros. One of my friends did this at her chiropractor's office and was laid up for months. I would suggest the
Yoga Flexibility Series that I learned from a class at our local hospital. It's easy, relaxing and does a wonderful job of loosening up everything with a minimum of pain. The secret for fibros is start out slowly, only do 3 reps instead of 5 and take several weeks to work your way all the way thru the list. Also, only do yoga every other day. This series is simple and doesn't involve any strange postures. Most of it is done from a seated position on the floor. Really helps me!
the malic acid and magnesium, start out at one tab a day and work your way up to 2400mg minimum spread out with meals. I'm up to 3200 and feeling pretty spry. (and I'm 57) Don't forget to add some calcium to your diet to balance out the additional magnesium. Hope this helps.