maybe the 8th time is a charm??
I have scoliosis, cyphosis, spinal stenosis, 2 disc compressions and an anomoly they picked up on a scan that shows the bottom two vertabrae in my back never developed completely. As a kid, all I heard was 'stand up straight'. I would love to. Soon, I will be kissing my knees from a standing position. I have been given a devise by a chiro that criss crossed around my neck and back designed to force my muscles to reconfigure. While wearing it, I looked like the Hunch Back of Notre Dame, plus it rubbed my skin raw. Then a Harrison Rod was suggested. I don't think so, after seeing a video of the surgery and this poor woman's recovery. Being allergic to morphine, demoral and most narcotic pain killers I don't intend to spend the next five years screaming.
I sleep in the fetal position. When I wake up there are two pancake sized red marks on my inner knees and of course they are numb. The pillow I put between them is on the floor. I can't sleep on my back or stomach as my back tingles immediately.
I don't just sit with my legs crossed, I snake them around each other. Last week my hairdresser told me to unravel my legs or I would look like Billy Idol. My left leg is actually 'fatter' than my right from this horrible habit.
While standing at the sink, or are in any prolonged upright position, I clench my butt cheeks, hike my shoulders into my neck and ball my toes up into the end of my shoes. No wonder my feet tingle.
I have scattered post it notes all over the house...'stand up straight, uncross your legs, unclench that fat butt of yours'. I have asked my husband to tell me when he sees me doing these things. After twenty years, he is just used to my posture.
At 62 years old, not 61, I have got to get a grip on this. Fibro is bad enough without me doing things I can prevent. Any suggestions, tapes...shock treatment...something??