Actually, I think she was being responsible. So many doctors hand out prescriptions like they were candy pills. Too many people are taking too much stuff that will affect them down the road.
For pain, NSAIDS like aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. are sometimes used. I know that ibuprofen has been my greatest help with fibro. I also take malic acid/magnesium supplements that have helped me. My doctor doesn't want to prescribe narcotics because they can lose their effect and you need more and more. I do understand that. But, like Marlee's doctor, mine gave me a prescription for Vicodin. It's my safety blanket! LOL I've had this prescription for several years but have never taken one. I try to work through the pain instead. It's just comforting knowing I DO have something if I get absolutely desperate.
I feel like a broken record here, but you do need to keep moving and stretching and doing gentle exercises like walking, etc. It's too tempting to sit or lay a lot. You don't hurt as much then...until you NEED to move. Plus you aren't living your life! If this is what you are doing, please start moving. You will feel better and you will be able to pat yourself on the back when you accomplish things in your home. Just be sure to pace yourself.
Let us know how you are doing. Hope you start feeling a little better.