I'm a teacher. I don't teach elementary though, I teach high school. I'm sure it makes a huge difference, because my students are a lot more independent and can even help me out when I need it. The teacher's assistant idea is great, and I have another one. My school has what they call service learners. Service learners don't go out for paying jobs, they work around the school for their credit. They can also go down the road to the elementary school to work. When I was in school, service learners were your library workers, office workers, etc. Even if your local high school doesn't have a service learning program, they might have older students who need more credits who could do the job. My other advice as a teacher with Fibro is to not feel guilty when you have to take it easy. Anything you can do sitting down, do it! Save your precious energy every chance you get. Use technology. An overhead projector is great, but the projectors that project on the wall through your computer are AWESOME. Some of the things you would have to write on the board can be done with the projector, and you can make the slide show only what you want the students to see at that time. Also try and figure out ways to keep from taking so much home. I know it sounds crazy, but it will help save you in the long run. I've made it 10 of my 15 years of teaching battling Fibromyalgia, and all the other things my body has thrown at me, and I've been thankful for my job teaching. I utilize my technology, I use a student service learner, and I try not to beat myself up inside when I can't do everything I wish I could. Good luck to you!