Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had a good New years!
I have finally hit a point where I am looking for meds to help me sleep. When I was first dx'd, I tried some meds for pain/fatigue, but they made everything worse. It seemed that no meds actually worked better than some meds.
But, I'm having trouble at work now. I've been forgetting important things and my boss was less than understanding last week. I can no longer afford to just plug away and try to ignore my symptoms....my job is crucial to our survival.
So...besides Klonopin and Cymbalta, what do you take for sleep? I figure if I sleep better, I may have a slightly easier time remembering things...or at least remember to write down the things I don't want to forget!
Does anyone here take ambien? Also, I will not take anything with a side effect of weight gain..do you know of anything w/o this side effect?
Thanks everyone!