Hi 2boyzmom! So nice of you to have found us!
I must say also that it is wonderful that you have a doctor you like.. I've only been to one Rhuemy so far (only been diagnosed since December) and I personally think maybe I could find someone better.. she doesn't seem to know enough about Fibro and I don't feel comfortable. I DO experience the nausea pretty often actually, it's even been so bad that I've thrown up from it.. again, my Rhuemy has said my nausea is NOT from Fibro, I don't know what the heck she think it's from then, I am not on any medications whatsoever, or have any other ailments like this that could cause it.... Ugh, she frustrates me lol
Anyway, I agree with the other ladies, call your doctor and let him know your updates and new symptoms!
I get the chest pains too like a weight is being set on it!
Good luck with everything, let us know how things go!
And welcome welcome!!
21 years old
Fibromyalgia, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, Irrational fears