Dear Lori,
I'm sorry for the tears...didn't mean to make you sad. I have just recently "given in" to this disease. For so long, I fought it and fought it, refusing to admit my fatigue, fighting the pain and really, never winning. Fibro will always win. The only way I can see controlling it, to some degree, is with supplements and rest. I also have tried eliminating certain foods because for me, some foods seem to exacerbate my pain, especially the burning pain. As far as the fatigue, I haven't found anything and now, I give in to it. Of course, I am able to, by working at home, I can walk away from my desk and rest, and it doesn't have to be in a bathroom stall .
Try to keep your spirits up. There are many, many really wonderful people here at this site and all of them understand what we go through, which somehow helps too.
warmest wishes