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How many of you use extra meds during a bad flare?
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Veteran Member
Joined : Apr 2008
Posts : 605
Posted 1/15/2009 7:03 PM (GMT 0)
I just wanted to know if any of you used extra meds during a flare? I am talking only like one or two extra a day not alot. I do have to take some extra during a bad flare and believe me I wait till its bad and to the point if I didnt take something extra there would be no sleep,so I tough it out through the day but at night there is no getting around the extra pain.
Veteran Member
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Posted 1/15/2009 7:05 PM (GMT 0)
I don't really ever have flares. I also don't ever really have any good days. I never have any energy and my pain is 5-6 almost every day. No pain meds work for me. Sorry I can't help with your question. Diane
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Posted 1/15/2009 7:21 PM (GMT 0)
Do you think that it might be time to let the doctor know that your meds aren't doing the job? Maybe he can prescribe something stronger, or more for the bad days.
A lot of days I don't take the prescribed amount, so then I am able to stockpile. Which worked out good, because my doc went on vacation one month and I didn't call in my meds in time. So I had enough to get me through that time. But now I am stockpiling again. So maybe on good days you can set a pill aside for the bad days.
I hope that you can work something out, it is no fun running out of meds. Not only the pain, but the withdraw that comes with it.
Best wishes for a wonderful painfree day.
Hugs, Karen
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Posted 1/15/2009 8:35 PM (GMT 0)
Thats the problem Karen. My doc knows I need my morphine increased(been on the same dose for 5 years) but he cant do that. I have to have it upped by a pain doctor and so far there is no pain clinic that will take me since all the pain clinics have gone to private insurance only and I am on medicaid. All my doctor can do is write out the meds I was origionaly set up with. I was started on 15 mg of the morphine and was supposed to have that upped every few days till I got to a point where I was only taking the vicodin for breakthrough pain. After starting me on the beginning dose the doctor dropped me like a hot potatoe with no reason other then I lived too far away which made no sense because I had been traveling out to this place every month already to see the uroligist who sent me to this pain clinic because she couldnt put me on a long acting drug. I even asked to see another doctor there and they refused me and I complained to the hospital administraitor( this was at the University of Washington Medical Center) and all I got was a letter saying sorry you had bad service and better luck somewhere else!!! So in order to make these meds work so long as it is I have cut back doses to reset my tolerence for the last few years. On a reg basis I am in pain every day with the meds I have but when you add a flare to that it is just too much for me to handle. I never run completly out of meds as I dont want to go into withdrawel but it is tough when my meds end up being low and I am taking just enough to keep me from being sick without any pain relief at all. So I am taking the breakthrough meds for daily pain and using the morphine simply to make the vicodin work better instead of the other way around of having the morphine to control my pain and only using the vicodin as back up for breakthrough pain.
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Posted 1/16/2009 2:55 AM (GMT 0)
During flares or simply a really bad day or two I increase my meds, its not often and why be in uneccesary pain. sue2z
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Posted 1/16/2009 4:48 AM (GMT 0)
That is really sad because you should be able to use the morphine to control the pain. When you have to take extra to stop the pain that you are already in, the meds don't help as much. You should be able to stay on top of the pain. What I am trying to say is that you should be able to stop the pain before it happens instead of trying to play catchup later. The meds just aren't as effective.
I really don't know what to say. You are stuck without somebody to increase your meds for you. That is a tough place to be in. But I, like you, would take what it needs to stop the pain. It is just hard when you have to scrimp on your meds to make it through the month. I am just happy that you don't run out. Withdrawals are no fun at all. I read somewhere that you can even go into seizure from narcotic withdrawals. I pray that you don't have to experience that.
Best wishes in finding a new doctor or some way to get the help that you need with your meds. I know how it feels to be in constant pain.
Hugs to you,
Veteran Member
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Posted 1/16/2009 4:58 AM (GMT 0)
I have been to the UW Medical Center and Seedish Hosptal for pain consultations. Not one doctor will give me narcotivc pain relievers.
Supposedly Primary Care physicians in WA will not longer be permitted to prescribe them for their pain patients, hence, my doctor keeps sending me to the pain specialists.
I am going on visit number 4. The last one was horrible.
Remeber how I was comforatable swimming 2 hours per day, well, that has ended. I have nothing for breakthrough and the ms contin is down to 15.
The funny thing is, I rarely increased my apain relief dosage. HOwever, that is the reson for not giving themout, according to the docs.
I was at my MDs office earlier this weak. I was in a horrible flare and he knew it. He did give me a prescript
ion for voltaren which is somewhat helpful and wants me to increase my celexa. However, I was too groggy on the celexa and stopped taking the extra dosage.
I am functioning at a lower level nowadays and I find it confining. I am accustomed to exercising every day and having social outings with friends.
Why can't they just leave well enough alone?
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Posted 1/16/2009 6:27 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Karen,
It is not right at all that you would be denied medical care because of where you live. It might be worth a shot at contacting PPA. Prescript
ion Plan of America. I think that is right. The one Montel Williams talks about
. I have heard of people that qualify through their income levels. And since you are on Medicaid, I am assuming you are also on a limited fixed income.
I don't know if they cover narcotics, but it is worth a try. But, since you have been on it for 5 years it is obviously a maintenance drug for you.
I wish you the best of luck!
Regular Member
Joined : Jan 2009
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Posted 1/16/2009 6:30 PM (GMT 0)
I found the link for the plan I was talking about
Hope that helps
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