I was just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced what i'm going through before? I've have been diagnosed with fibro since 2003 and it has been a rollercoaster ride ever since. When i was first diagnosed my rhumatologist was only given Pamelor25mg and Zanaflex 4mg for my symptoms. It worked pretty good for awhile they would just keep upping my dosages In Oct 07 i had a really bad episode that lasted at least 2 mnths. I was then put on Lyrica, which was a horrible experience for me. I only took it for 4 days and my knee became severely swollen and was literally black/blue causing a popliteal cyst. I was immediatly tooken off that and was given 60 mg Cymbalta which has been a life saver for me. I've been taking cymbalta, pamelor,celebrex, and baclofen about a 1 yr now and i've been doing overall ok however for the last 6 mnth i've gotten a mysterious rash (hurts) developed on my elbows. Went to my rhumatologist and dermatologist and they've given me meds, done a biopsy, and given me cortisone injections with unsuccesful results. Neither Dr. has any idea what this is. In the last two weeks i've been really sick with my firbro and now developed a new rash on my upper legs (on the exact same spot on each leg). Dr. did another biopsy and now I'm just waiting for results. I wasnt sure if the flare up of my fibro was causing this or what? I've also have had some weird bruising in places where i haven't hit or done anything to get them?