It seems like many of us have suffered from ovarian cysts. I'm and old broad now, but when I was in my 20's I had them non stop...the problem was they would never 'break' and two of them got to be the size of grapefruits, wrapped around my intestines and cut off the blood supply. Mine were called 'bleeding cysts with torsion'. So I was bleeding all the time, suffered from severe anemia and finally after four surgeries to remove them, they took out my ovaries and the rest of my 'parts' while they were at it. I have a book that discusses fibro in grueling detail and it seems many woman with fibro have this awful condition..along with other 'female' problems including long, painful, heavy periods, endometriosis, severe name it.
I guess it's just one more condition that can go along with this disease!
feel better