Good for you for not settling! I was single for many years (and a single mother, no less..makes dating difficult) and oh, I was lonely so much. I dated a few guys but they were basically children in adult bodies, and my need to be respected and loved fully and completely eventually won out over my need to just have someone in my life. Then along came B. He was a wonderful man-intelligent, funny, kind, considerate, good job. He quickly became my best friend. He wanted to have a romantic relationship with me, but I kept holding back. Even though on the outside he seemed perfect, he just wasn', you know? Unfortunately our friendship suffered from my reluctance, and for awhile I thought-oh man I just made a horrible mistake. But then you know what? Very shortly after, into my life walked the man who is now my husband. If I had resigned myself to that relationship with B even though it didn't feel quite right, I would've missed out on my "meant to be!" Funny how life works like that sometimes, isn't it?
I guess was I'm trying to say to you is this-hold out for what you really want. I know how hard the single life can be sometimes and how lonely it gets, but the guy for you is out there somewhere. He really is! Until he shows up, though, just stick your tongue out at Valentine's Day and be happy to be who you are
Another thing I will say, though, is that the "real deal" is soooo much work. I had this misconception that once "the one" came along, poof! life would be perfect! Hahaha, was I wrong! I've never worked so hard at anything in my life! (except motherhood) But it is so, so worth it. Grownup love is