Aww.. Hara, I know what it's like to get a bunch of bad news all at once. You have my total understanding and support with that.
As for the sleep study and CPAP. My husband had it done about 2 years ago and it's made a huge difference in his quality of life (not to mention mine.. at least I don't have to worry about him all night long, like I used to) After his study we found out that he was only breathing half of the night. He never got to REM sleep and he was literally choaking at least 1/4 of the night. His snoring was AWFUL, it was like trying to sleep on a runway at JFK airport!! LOL.. No wonder nobody was getting any sleep at our house!!
I'm REALLY happy that your doctor is sending you to a rheumy!!! That's GREAT news. I didn't know that in your earlier post. Rheumetologists have a much better handle on FMS than alot of doctors. If my doc. wasn't an accupunturist as well as a GP, I would have insisted on being sent to a rheumy. But my doc. is great and I'm really happy with him. I hope you'll get more answers from the rheumy. A lot of our members see them and are very happy with them.
Welp, I'd better take a break, take care and keep posting. I'm sure some other members will be along sometime soon and welcome you, too.
Take care and have a good night,