Hi Tiki, I pray for your recovery. I had to look up a book that had been written by Pat Robertson, a question was presented to him "When I pray for healing and don't see or feel any immediate results, should I pray again, pray a different way, or just pretend that everything is ok, that God heard my prayer and will answer someday in His time?" This is his answer to her....Jesus told his disciples to "keep on asking," "keep on seeking", "keep on knocking". Those who did would receive, find and have the door opened. He taught almost desperate perserverance in prayers. Much of our praying is halfhearted and not desperate. We are to keep on banging on the gates of heaven until we have an assurance in our hearts of one of two things: either God says no, or God says yes. If He says no, then we must receive His will and get on with our lives. If He says yes, we should begin praising Him for the answer which we know is on the way. God honors presistent prayer, and it is not wrong to bring the same issue to Him repeatedly until you know His will. Once you know what God wants, then pray accordingly. Sometimes the process He will show us things that need to be fixed in our own lives before the answer comes. We need to realize that we just can't shake a little tree and expect blessings to shower us. God is not a genie in a lantern that needs only to be rubbed three times and poof! and we get what we want. We must be willing to surrender ourselves deply in prayer to the things of God. He will withhold no good thing from them that walk uprightly.
I hope this can help you. Your healing question came at a good time for myself and my daughter, I needed this too! May your prayers and healing be answered soon and I pray others will be there with you in prayer.
God Bless, Holly