My TMJ symptoms included clicking/popping/pain when chewing, yawning, etc. Also lots of migraine headaches. I don't remember the jaw being sore to the touch but I guess that's possible. I also grind/clench. Mine went away for the most part after i had braces to correct an overbite. Headaches gone too YIPPIE! Jaw still pops once in a while but I don't have the pain.
The tooth pain could be from clenching or grinding, but it could also be from a sinus infection. I had terrible upper right tooth pain for weeks. I went to the dentist and she saw nothing wrong with my teeth, and told me it was probably a sinus infection. Took a a round of antibiotics and used a sinus rinse kit and it got better.
You should get it checked out as soon as you can.
Hope you feel better soon