Hey Big..
Check out fibromyalgia 101.. the second thread on the forum, there's lots of info on there that might help answer some of your questions.
Since you're already seeing a rheumy I would make sure he/she knows about your pain and questions. Only a medical doctor can really properly dx fibro .. I wouldn't want to play doctor, you'll need a few tests to really know for sure and the pain and other issues need to be "on going", meaning, that you've had them for a long time. So, letting your doctor know is the most important thing.
I take tramadol, I also take ibuprofen along with it if I'm having a lot of pain, you might want to check with your doctor or phamacist to see if that's ok. That really seems to help break the pain cycle for me.
I'm glad you found the forum and I hope you'll continue posting! This is a great place to learn about fibro. Everyone's welcome on the site, whether the have fibro, have a family member that does or those think they do. We have lots of great members here that really care and are very willing to help.
I sure do hope you don't have fibro AND lupus. I know that would be a tough dx. But there's lots of coping skills that I've learned from this site.
Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going. I'm sure there will be more members stopping by to greet you.
Take care,