I hate my knees. My fibro started with my knees. The last month, my left knee has gotten so bad I can't bend it. Being in a sitting position (or even laying down with my leg bent) makes it THROB like crazy. Even after just a few minutes. I can't lift my legs without feeling the pain -- that's right, it started in my right knee too last week. Today they feel like lead and I can hardly move them at all, and they are trying to lock backwards when I stand. (trying to buckle, I guess.)
Now, I talked to this nurse at my health insurance company and she says that doesn't sound like fibro. I think fibro can cause just about any kind of pain it wants. But I have had my doctor tell me my kneecaps are misaligned and the nurse says that's what is causing it and I need an MRI. Obviously, I don't want to go waste money even if I do have insurance on an MRI!! I don't want to walk in there and have them look at me like I'm nutso again.
Anyone had a similar situation, or even if you hadn't, what would you do?