We all have days when we are hurting and in pain. I've had my share of days crying too.
When the days turn into weeks, we must find a way to help ourselves. I have spent a
year reading the posts on this forum and the Lupus forum. I gained a lot of strength
from reading these posts. In July I decided I would become a member and try to help
others as you have helped me. Being on this forum, I felt comfort hearing about
experiances. I felt that I was not alone. I am sorry if anyone does feel I am not
empathetic to their pain. I hurt too! Our pain is real ! Everyone needs time to mourn
the loss of their good health, but at some point we must begin to help ourselves.
I have learned so much from you about
easing pain and deaing with stress, and I
want to thank you. I will continue to reading your posts.
Today I choose to laugh awhile, to be content and share my smile.
To spend each day playing the crying game, is a waste of time and a crying shame
Life is too short and precious is time, to spend each day to sit and whine.