Hi gang! I'm almost 38 and just found out (from x-ray) I have arthritis, but am still waiting to hear "what" kind. My grandmother had fibro. and I've been thinking a lot about
her and what she went through before she passed and our symptoms are startingly similar (some of which I've been having for a decade or more and just wrote off as
something else...). I have an appt. with a rhuemy in about
two weeks, but I'm kinda going nuts not knowing exactly what I've got (the internet doesn't help...). I feel like I should be doing "something" proactive, but until I know what this is, I don't know what to do!
I only have 19/59 symptoms on Radio's list, but there were some on there I was unclear on. Can you have more than one kind of arthritis? It sounds to me like I have symptoms of at least 3; Fibro., OA, and RA. Any thoughts? Any suggestions on how I should approach this first appt.?