Hi everyone,
about 3 weeks ago i had a big WHINE on here about my sore throat and coughing and having to sleep in my chair. Well, after coughing and sleeping sitting up for 10 nites, I was due to return to my ND to get my lab results and I figured I'd have her check out my lungs too. Its been a dry cough all this time but just won't go away. Well, long story short, I have walking pneumonia. So I'm on tetracycline for 10 days. Then, just to top it all off, I got my lab results and she tells me it indicates Lyme disease! Several months ago I posed a question on the forum about her wanting to test me for lyme and I didn't want to do it and didn't beleive I could possibly even have lyme. Several of the forum members commented and after reading their ideas, I decided to go ahead with the testing.
The problem is the Western Blot test came back with only one positive and 3 indefinites out of 14 bands tested. I'm still not buying that I have lyme. I'm not an outdoor person, can't ever remember being bit by a tic, live in an area not known for tics(SW WA) and the interpretation of lyme testing is very controversal.
I think I'm going to go ahead and have another type of lyme antigen test, a urine test, and see how it comes out. However, it is somewhat controversal too. The protocol for lyme calls for heavy duty antibiotics long term, months or sometimes years. This in itself is freaky especially for someone like me who is med phobic and tries to use natural means to help myself for the most part. The only med I take is sulfasalzine for ulcerative colitis, nothing in the way of meds for fibro, only herbs and vitamins. Right now of course I'm taking the antibiotic for the pneumonia for 10 days so I'm not completely phobic and will take meds if necessary. However, I'm very picky about what I will take because in the past I've had sensitivites and bad experiences with meds.
Anyway, I guess I'm done rambling on---I just wanted to update everyone and see if anyone has some good input for me on this lyme stuff. I have hung out at the forum for lyme here at Healingwell and have read their info for newbies. I have also researched on the web but I sure haven't come to any great eye-opening solutions or any good direction to head on this subject.