I have fibro and diabetes and a few other goodies that I put in my signature. I've had health issues all of my life but you know what? I've had a great life so far! I learn how to live with what I have and move forward. I don't wonder "Why me?" because it always comes back, "Why not me?" And I can look around and see others that are far worse off than I am. So, for me, the key is attitude. I look towards the future with anticipation...not dread. Sure, I have my crummy days but I also have good days, too.
If any of you find out you have diabetes, your doctor will work with you to help you find the right medication to get it under control. Then watch your carbohydrates, eat good meat and veggies, and be thankful they found it! Many people have bad diabetes and don't realize it and it is damaging their systems. I found out early because we were looking for it. It is quite "heavy" in my family. So, as soon as this occured, I was put on meds and have kept my blood sugars in the normal range for 17 years. So far I do not have any of the side affects of diabetes so it can be done. Listen to your doctor, watch your diet, and you should do just fine!
And, Patricia, I do want to welcome you to our forum. When you get a chance, be sure to read the Fibro 101 thread...the second thread on the forum. There are links to good info about fibro. Also, don't hesitate to ask questions!