Hi all-
I probably have costrochondritis- rib pain...off and on for a few years. But last few weeks, I wake up....& just some minor rib cage pain...then...as the day goes on, it intensifies...& changes location...(or sometimes just goes away)
It usually starts in my lower ribs---but not on the sternum....the lower outside ribs-
Then...during the day, it moves....towards the back & then..lower back-!
It feels more like the "soreness"...one feels...after a workout! It's not tender to the touch, but is very tender to movement! I only get relief......with a hot shower....(and sometimes 2 Bayer aspirin. I just like aspirin..it 'works' for me)--
My question---! Is what I describe.....at all ...'common"...in that the rib cage pain..."moves"....during the day? Also---the location...not on the sternum...but rib cage itself.....& more sensitive to 'movement'...than.....touching! There is one "trigger point"...an area of my lower right rib...that I fractured twice when I was younger!
I also--have other symptoms of Fibromyalgia---(Chronic fatigue.....loss of balance...etc)--
I have had a multitude of diagnostic tests..(for my neuro issues....myoclonus...cramps...etc)--such as 2 MRIs...(brain & cervical) 2 EEGs......blood test for thyroid...EMGs...--ALL "normal"...except for..
BTW....I've been seeing neurologists for my neuro symptoms---I ask here.,,,..can a PCP....diagnose fibro and/or costro--or MUST I go to a "Rhematologist"--?---Regards-Robert
Radiculopathy....in my lumbar & cervical spine! Get back- -I'm curious to hearing from you who have had this...(Fibro...& Costro)--for awhile--regards- Robert
Post Edited (Wotan) : 5/27/2010 7:13:36 PM (GMT-6)