Yes I washed today not over much, but my body is objecting.
I love owash it is the one thing in my life I can still do. Once upon a time i used to go through te house hunting up washing just ask my kids. Now how ever with 4 of us living in the house the kids who moved home DD and SIL I am certain they wear something for an hour and put it in the washing. I have washed one an item one day only to have it back in the washtenext day.
The weather here is perfect r washing. I put the shinon he line and amble to take it off dry 40 mins later. We have a cool westerly wind and sunshine, not to cool as I am walking around with bare feet outside I love the feel of grass under my feet.
So now I am too sore to move even blinking hurts, I felt like his befor I started to wash. An nohe painkilles enot working and neither is the exercise.
Sleep migt help but hat is along way off andI only have on nigts sleep medication left, and they rnot relly working anymore.
I hate having flares, I wat aholiday from the pain.