Cindy, I don't take any of that so I did a search and according to, there are no drug interactions with these two.
BUT, it is totally up to you if you want to take it or not. Was there a specific reason your rheumy wanted you on the Topamax? My doctor has suggested many thing for me to take but I don't take them. But that's just me. I don't want the side effects because they can sometimes be worse than the illness and that could kick in my anxiety again! But the bottom line is, it looks like these two would be fine to take. Are you taking other meds, too?
Oh, most importantly....find another rheumy. You want a doctor that you trust or that relationship will never work. You want a doctor that you can discuss things with...including what you posted here...and a doctor that will work with you. You are wasting your time and money seeing a doctor you don't trust. You will always be wondering about their advice.