Your feet sound like you have plantar faciitis. We have quite a few members that have gotten that and I'm one of them. When I would stand up, it felt like someone was driving a stake through my heels. I started wearing Birkenstock shoes and, after a few months, the pain left and I haven't had that since....since 1994! So, google that and if it sounds like what you have, you might invest in a pair of these shoes. They aren't pretty but I didn't care. I wanted to be able to walk without feeling nearly faint from the pain.
OH, NO! I see I misinterpreted your first post! I thought you were bicycling during a flare! If you hang around here long enough, you will find that I mess up like this occasionally. I'll just blame it on the fog, okay?
Yes, start pacing yourself. You do need to keep moving. That is important. Stretching exercises, walking, swimming, yoga, tai chai, things like are good. If you can do more without causing more pain, then go for it!
I use ibuprofen with food, extra strength Tylenol, malic acid/magnesium supplements and vitamin D3 supplements to help with pain and fatigue. There are links about the vitamins and supplements in Fibro 101 and how they work in the body. These are not least where I get mine. They have buy one, get two free! So, this could be affordable for you. If you are taking other meds, you might speak with your pharmacist because they know all about medications and interactions, too, and that doesn't cost you any money either.
Moist heat helps. You can make a "Bed Buddy" by taking a tube sock, filling it 2/3's full of raw long grain rice and tying a knot at the end of it. Pop it in the microwave and it gives off moist heat due to the moisture in the rice.
Don't hesitate to ask questions because we are here to help you.