Okay guys.. I have not realized I haven't posted here since the day i was here, and i'm sorry for that.. I have had quite a few new symptoms. Well the chest pain not sure if I mentioned it, visual disturbances specially at night, i've gotten eye pains recently, changes in hearing, like clinging change, forks/spoons, any high pitches in music *at times* can really be like nails on a chalkboard. I am having lots of morning stiffness, my arms, chest and back and everything in my upper body sometimes get REALLY warm, and at times my hands will be ice cold. *probably due to being on the computer a lot at home*. I'm also just so tired all the time, like I'm just so lazy to even get up and go to the gym, or go and make food lazy. It's really bad, even with exercise. I was on amitryptyline but I went off it cause I just felt so tired, but I almost feel like i'm on the meds with how lazy and tired i'm getting.
However I am trying to get a lot more exercise and it's not helping one bit, but I am sleeping better. I am having really irritable stomach stuff happen to almost anything I eat. I also can't smoke anymore due to getting a headache and feeling really dizzy, my stomach will feel like I have knots, drinking *alcohol* makes my chest and arms/neck break out in red marks in my skin, but it goes away, its like a red under the skin rash its really weird *but I get these anyways in heat since all this stuff has started*. Caffeine really messes me up, I get in so much pain after, it's bad. Also really irritates my stomach! Not sure if that's any help.
Um I really have so much more to tell you all, but its just a lot to process =/ I asked the neurologist what these burning pains can be, he said "not really, but come in and we'll take another look", he has no idea and I feel so stupid going in because none of these doctors are helping.. I have Kaiser coverage, so I guess that really explains it all.
Post Edited By Moderator (Sherrine) : 5/27/2011 9:10:13 AM (GMT-6)