Hi Dan...
And here I thought you were just coming down to visit with us ladies...lol Just kidding. Like sawa said, most fibro people are women and from what I've read they aren't sure why. But then they aren't sure what causes it, how it causes pain and where in the body is messing up to make us feel such intense pain. The most recent research points to the central nervous system as a related component but not proved to be causal. Another major item with fibro is there is good reason to believe that it's genetic as it runs in families.
There have been quite a number of men members of the Fibro Family over the years but often they slowly fade away. I would imagine it's easier for a guy to relate to another guy who has the same things going on. But for the most part the men who come and visit get a lot out of the sharing and us gals enjoy the company.
Just a quick story...(and those who know me are now laughing at the idea of me being 'quick'...lol) anyway, I was adopted at birth and in my late 30's searched and found my biological family. I didn't have fibro, nor was I diabetic at the time, but I did learn a lot about
my medical history, most of it wasn't very pretty with the alcohol abuse and such. But, years later after I was diagnosed with fibro my full blooded brother told me that our birth mom was always complaining of pain in the last 4-6 years of her life. I didn't see her much but I don't doubt him at all. She couldn't find a reason for the pain but it was there. Most likely was fibro the way brother explained it. She passed away in the mid '90s.
Move forward to the last 2-3 years. One day on the phone my brother asked how fibro symptoms felt. A bit worried, I shared what I felt and knew about
others' pain and he shared what was going on with him. He has many of the exact symptoms that I do including others like arthritis in the spine, etc. It runs in families?!!? He just might have it so I suggested he tell his doctor. Well, apparently this guy has been hiding behind a closet door when it comes to education since he went to med school. He told my brother that 'Men don't get fibro!" Boy, did that make my blood boil. It's like saying men don't get breast cancer. They sure do! Not often...less than 1%... but it happens. Sad to say there is a huge legion of medical professionals who are under educated when it comes to fibromyalgia.
So, all of this to just let you know...if you do have a doctor listen to your information and he brushes you aside, you already know that this is NOT the doctor you want. A good rheumatologist should do the trick...a GOOD one.
OK, time to end this 'book' and say good night...
Keep in touch,