Hi Hazelnut,
I soooo feel your pain. I have been having costochondritis pain for about 5 months now. It comes and it goes, but it just never goes for good
I have been up since 3 this morning because the pain kept waking me up. We'll see how quickly I fall asleep at my desk today at work... At 3 I went to get an ice pack which always helps the pain for a little while. I can feel around and find all of painful spots which are causing the problems. There are quite a few today!
I also find that my anxiety peeks when I'm havint his pain. I think it's in part because of the shooting pains in the chest and in part because I always have a hard time getting a deep breath when it's really bad. I know that shallow breathing is the worse thing for anxiety, but my body won't let my lungs take in a good deep breath.
I would say to try ice and heat. I can't take any NSAIDs or antiinflamatories and the tylenol doesn't even touch the pain so I'm such using non medication options. I'm also going to try sleeping in a more sitting up position tonight. I can't do either side because of the pain and sometimes on my back it still kills. Maybe a different position will do the trick? I hope you find some relief soon!