Hi everyone,
So i finally had my first Rheumy appointment yesterday, i'll try to explain how it all happened, what he told me & how i feel now.
First and foremost, he is pretty convinced that i am a Fibro sufferer, however he wants to hold up on giving me the "official" diagnosis untill my other tests and bloodworks come back clean. He has taken blood to be tested for Lyme disease and auto-immune diseases because he wants to rule as many things out as possible, he says better a slow but good diagnose than a fast but wrong one. He has poked and prodded my tender-points and got to about 14 at that point he said it was clear enough and he would leave the other points alone cause by then i was yelping like a puppy in pain.... I'm still pretty sore now... Especially my shoulder, am having trouble wearing my handbag. My body feels pretty much as expected: Poked and painfull
He's also orderd x-rays from my back because in his opinion there are some problems there also... Now that i wasn't expecting, i went in expecting one diagnosis and he sent me home with 3 possibilities. I have bad scoliosis (i hope im writing it right, if not what i mean is a crooked spine) and he also suspects that i have degenerative disc disease which seems to be pretty common in people with Fibro. So i had my x-rays done this morning and have gotten a new appointment about a month from now. I will probably try to reach him again next week any way cause i'm a bit anxious to learn my test results nand don't think i can wait another month for news...
Emotionally i am all over the place at the moment: part of me is genuinly happy to have found some answers, the other part of me is violently angry with the inadequacy of my body, yet another part is sad and scared for what i might miss out on due to this. I feel like i am on a roller coaster of emotions at the moment.
One good thing has come out of this: My boyfriend finally gets it!! After getting home i sat him down and explained in great details what is wrong with me and how it makes me feel, he immediatly felt extremely sorry for not beeing there for me before, and for not understanding it fully. He has now done some research on Fibro and he totally gets it now.
So guys thats it in a nutshell.
Hugs all round