I've never posted in a health forum like this before, and I'll be honest I've no idea what I'm looking for. Help? Support? All of the above? You know what i mean... I'm wishing that one of you will send me a link to a free treatment that cures this hell. but you won't. and if you did? I wouldn't believe it.. i've been fooled to many times before.
Im sitting here dripping with sweat and confused. my head hurts and my eyes are blurry. I'm exhausted, but wide awake, and i hurt too much. It's fine though, i'll just pop more pills. they don't help me so much.. but they make everyone else feel better, as it means "I'm getting better." It doesn't though.
Most of my family "understand" as they too feel like this sometimes... have i tried getting an early night? My doctor looks at me as if to say "you again?" and my pharmacist has begun literally throwing the bag across the counter as if to say.. druggie. Maybe thats what i am? do any of you begin to believe that? I'm putting far too much pressure, financially and emotionally on my partner.. but i can't help it! I can't! no matter what all those (insert swear word here)'s say.. i can't help being like this.
I've been off sick for about
3 months.. and I'm going back to work next week.. that added stress is certainly helping. I went to buy chocolate hoping it'd make me feel better.. but i just feel fatter, with all the added weight the medications give me. Everyone is so excited that i'm better enough to work.. I'm not - i just don't feel like i can continue not doing anything. Constantly assessing myself and being disappointed at what I've turned out as. My friends are graduating and working cool jobs, and I'm still struggling as a part time shop assistant.
I've put in a benefits claim.. and thats just one huge long case of "convince us" your sick.. and I'm really starting to wonder if i really could be mad. I know how much pain I'm in.. but maybe i imagine it?
And why the hell should i have to worry about
making other people less worried about
me? But i do... I don't say I'm in huge amounts of pain, but yesterday was worse. thats what i feel inside - but i say, that I'm much better than yesterday. Please someone out there help me.... you feel like this too? Right?
im 22 - please don't tell me its going to be like this forever?