I can identify with all being said. I'll tell ya, when a flare comes it is all-encompassing. I know when I over do it...or when the weather is very humid...I'm prone to a flare.
It used to scare me (I've had Fibro for 20 years). Now I know that my body is signaling me to take it easier and not push so much...
The darned flares give me such chills and fatigue...the aches wake me up from sleep.....it can make one feel very alone...but the one thing I know for sure which will be good news to all who read this,...is that the intensity does pass, at least for me.
I tend to over do it when I feel good and really sabotage myself....it's so crazy.
I have learned to just try to "coast thru" the bad days...and distract myself with t.v., sleep, etc....and soon my body has a chance to re-coop from whatever stress has made it "act out " in the first place. Sometimes with me it can be good stress, like painting furniture and decorating until all hours of the night. It's my passion...but trust me when I tell you, I pay later.
I hope this has helped someone....
Any input you all can send my way about the chills without fever would help me. Thanks.