I'm confused..lol nothing new, but I don't know if I have myofascial pain or fibro or both. The rheumy and neuro said fibro. I recently read a really good book on myofascial pain and everywhere that you can have trigger points I have them there. BUT, I have all over muscle soreness that never goes away. Light touches are ok, but if you poke your finger or run your finger down the side of my leg or squeeze my muscles they hurt with soreness! and ohhhh the joint pain is horrible at times. How do I know if I have both or just one? of course I have the sudden sharp, dull, shooting and throbbing pains all over in random places that only lasts a couple of seconds. I think I have both but I don't know. Can anyone shed some light on this. Oh and who could I see to really examine my muscles and massage them that is in the medical field, I really don't want a massage therapist unless they are trained on what fibro is.