Acheybody said...
I now eat mostly white bread(!!) and lots of starches, and my constipation is pretty much GONE. I dropped a pants size. I don't feel bloated all the time. I still have days with too much or too little, but NOTHING like it used to be! Strange as it seems, it might be worth looking at, anyway.
It is so interesting that for some people, what is supposed to be the healthiest options actually do the most damage. My youngest brother in law has hirschsprung's disease and short gut, so he can absorb very little, if anything, through his digestive tract and gets most of his nutrients from TPN. But all the stuff that is healthy for the rest of us - veggies, whole grains, etc, are totally toxic to him and he can obstruct severely on many. A large portion of his diet is protein and fried foods because he needs MORE fats and MORE calories, not less. I hate watching him eat!!!