I finally sat down with my Dr. about
my test results. My previous Dr. has said I had fibro for years , but I have been wondering if it is something more/in combination.
My ANA was weakly positive with a speckled pattern (1:40) and both my SED and C Reactive were raised. There were also two numbers that were slightly raised : Basophils and Eosonophils. My SED and CRP have been raised for years.
What is odd is that my ANA isn't necessarily high enough to point to a defined autoimmune disorder, but in combination with my symptoms, my bloodwork seems to say lupus or other autoimmune condition.
What do you guys think? For those who haven't seen my posts, I've had ten years of terrible fatigue and achiness along with this year I have developed Raynaud's, where my toes turn purple.
The bloodwork seems to say "no" to fibro, but not "yes" to any other specific disorder. I am seeing a rheumatologist Sept. 27 for further testing, but in the meantime want to get some opinions. I am in fact working from home today after resting this AM due to a bad flare up of whatever it is that is wrong with me.
Thank you.