Hi Everyone,
I was going through my local paper this morning and I came across a full page ad from a treatment center that deals with peripheral neuropathy. Has anyone been diagnosed with this? This neuropathy shares the some of the same symptoms as fibro:
- Sensation of wearing an indivisible body sock or glove
- Loss of balance and coordination
- Burning or freezing sensation
- Muscle weakness
- Sharp jabbing or electric-like pain
- Difficulty walking or moving the arms
- Extreme sensitivity to touch
- Unusual sweating
- Difficulty sleeping because of feet and leg pain
- Abnormalties in blood pressure or pulse
That bulleting option didn't work well for me. LOL....
I experience all of these except the latter and the difficulty in walking and moving the arms. Though I am limited in how far I can walk and for how long I can stand.
The ad says neuropathic pain is when the nervous system malfunctions and becomes the cause of the pain. Malfunction may be due to:
Back, leg, or hip problems
Spine surgery
Environmental toxins
Glue, lead, mercury and solvents may damage nerves
Multiple sclerosis
Vitamin defiency particularly B12 and folate
Lyme disease
Idiopathic (cause uncertain)
Diabetes is by far one of the most common causes of peripheral neuropathy.
Two of the above are more than likely the causes for my possibly having peripheral neuropathy: back problems and exposure to toxins. When I hurt my back 11 years ago my body slowly went numb. Another words I could no longer feel my muscles working. Does anyone else have total muscle numbness?
This center advertizes that they will design a program with a combination of pain reducing procedures and breakthrough technology that aids in the treatment of damaged nerves, and helps to restore, stabilize and rebuild the nerves in the extremities.
I would be very much interested to know if anyone has this condition. If so have you gone to a center like this and have you been helped?