Hello all. :)
Since mid- to late-October, I've been suffering from severe lower back pain. At first, I though I'd just hurt it at work (my job required a lot of heavy-lifting, twisting, turning, and ladder-climbing), but three months later, it's still just as bad as the first day. It comes and goes, but mostly, it comes and doesn't go away. lol Like everyone, I think, I have my good days.
Normally, I lay on the couch or in bed. I'm fine as long as I'm stationary, but the second I go to stand up or twist in any way, I get such a sharp pain that it paralyzes me for a second and sucks the breath out of me. Once I get moving, it gets better. But as soon as I sit down again, it's back. Well now, it's starting to spread to my hip. And the hip pain is constant, whether I move or not. I keep getting twinges that shoot through my right hip that hurt pretty badly.
I have Aleve and an ice pack (heating pads have never really done much for me), but it doesn't seem to relieve the pain much. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me get through this until I see my doctor?