Hi fibrocrystal, welcome to the family!
Glad they didn't find endometriosis, sorry about the adhesions. They are rough. When I had surgery they gave me anesthesia plus 'somethingelse' to prevent nausea & vomiting (it didn't work - again). When I went back to my room the pain from the internal gas was wretched. I ask for something to relieve the gas, they brought me a cup of tea & Mylanta tablets. Yeah, that didn't work. I had the same intense pain in my back and shoulders that you have now. They had nothing else to give for the gas.
I asked my DH to bring in my box of Gas-X. That finally started to help w/ the gas. It took several tablets, but the 'tea' wasn't cutting it for me. They gave me morphine for the pain, still didn't 'touch' the gas pain.
My suggestion is if you don't feel well enough to go back to work in 3 days, don't push yourself. Sometimes drs get a number in their heads of how quickly a patient recovers. Maybe others do, but Fibromites aren't 'other' ppl. See how you are doing, don't make things worse for yourself b/c the dr said 3 days.
I hope you feel so much better by morning.
God bless. Alice.