For all my years with FM (20+)
{and BTW, anybody following my posts, knows that my FM has improved by 95%, since my whole "body swap" > However, this is one that I still usually get at least once or twice a day}
......often after sitting for a bit, or driving, or when I get up in the morning, I'll start to walk, and it's like I get nails shoved all through my ankles ! Sometimes I can kind of fight through it, and keep walking without anybody really knowing that I'm hurting.... but other X's, like today, I started to walk through my work place, and got a really "good one" that made me start hobbling, and in a low voice, say, "Ow ow oh oh oh......." My manager spun around and asked, "Are you alright ? What did you do" ?
I told him, "Well give me 30 seconds, and I'll be fine..... oh, and I didn't do anything". Like I told him, FM doesn't need a reason to make you suffer !
So he was like, "Wow, that sucks", to which I replied, "Dude, you can't even start to imagine, no sooner than anyone else without FM could imagine....."
Oh but as always, with this particular pain, it was completely gone in less than a minute.
Just curious if any of you get this one ?