Are you on any meds that could be causing this? A lot of the fibro drugs they give us can scramble our brains....I know they sure have scrambled mine... ...my brother and SIL couldn't take Nortriptyline, (which I take) because it gave them awful nightmares.
I'm not making light of this, because it can be really scary. I, too, have a fast-beating heart sometimes, and was given the "benign" diagnosis when they finally caught it on an EEG. EKG? KGB? Whatever it is...I think the doc called it "sinus tachycardia," & said not to worry.
Lately, I've been getting all kinds of jerking when I'm trying to fall asleep. Last night, my left leg (the one that's driving me nuts with Sciatica) jerked so hard I thought I'd pulled a muscle. Talk about anxiety...